Platforms & Services

Empowering businesses through data-driven insights, AI & advanced technologies

Data Integration

At AV ANALYTIQUES, we transcend by offering a comprehensive data integration. Our approach involves harnessing the power of integration platforms such as Keboola Connection, Fivetran, Stitch Data etc to construct seamless data pipelines, ensuring the continuous flow of clean, high-quality data into your insights platform

This innovative integration, coupled with our established AV ANALYTIQUES Process, accelerates the journey to actionable insights, providing you with a distinct competitive advantage in today’s data-driven landscape

Data Reporting & Analysis

At AV ANALYTIQUES, we redefine the way you perceive data reporting. Our expert team transforms raw data into actionable insights through meticulous reporting and analysis, ensuring that you never settle for static reports again. Leveraging industry-leading Business Intelligence (BI) tools such as Looker, Microsoft Power BI, Tableau etc, we craft dynamic dashboards and reports that vividly illustrate the story hidden within your data

This deeper understanding empowers your teams across departments to make data-driven decisions, optimize processes, and stay ahead in today’s competitive landscape

Data Science & AI Capabilities

Unlock the full potential of your data and democratize data science within your organization with AV ANALYTIQUES’ expertise in AI and automation. Our team leverages a powerful suite of tools, including Molecula/Featurebase/Ensemble/Keboola Connection etc, to streamline operations and drive transformative insights

From automating tedious tasks like internal reporting (think automated email sends!) to enabling sophisticated data science analyses such as customer sentiment analysis, customer churn prediction, product recommendation engine, supply chain optimization, predictive maintenance, fraud detection etc, our solutions cater to users across the spectrum of technical proficiency. This empowers every member of your organization to harness the power of data science, regardless of their coding expertise

The outcome? Expedited access to invaluable insights and a substantial reduction in workload, allowing your team to redirect their efforts towards strategic initiatives that drive growth and innovation

Web Development & Social Media Marketing

At AV ANALYTIQUES, we offer comprehensive services in web development and social media marketing to help businesses establish a strong online presence and maximize their reach. From designing and developing custom websites to crafting engaging social media campaigns, we provide tailored solutions to meet your digital marketing needs

Elevating brands Worldwide

Discover how AV ANALYTIQUES can drive growth and success for your business with our advanced data analytics solutions.

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